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Shelly Grande

Asana・Mantra ・Meditation

Shelly Grande is an International Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master of Masters. She has studied many inspiring lineages, purity being of utmost importance to her. Her first Yoga Teacher Training was in 2015 with Nicki Doane and Eddie Mondastini of Maya Yoga in Maui, Hawaii. She was a dedicated Ashtanga Yoga practitioner for years prior and beyond with Kimberly Dahlman of Yoga East Yoga. Upon returning from Maui, Jonas Zev invited her to step into the fire of teaching at the various locations of Zev Yoga on the NH Seacoast. At the same time, she met her Reiki Master, Laurra Sheldon and began her studies. Over the years, she expanded her teachings of Yoga and Reiki around the New England Seacoast and Globally. She learned the importance of balance and began her Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Josh Summers in 2019. In 2020, she began her Kundalini Yoga training in Mallorca, Spain. Guru Jagat helped her embrace her soulful connection to mantra, strengthen her nervous system and further instill her love of traveling the globe teaching and learning ancient yogic practices that heal lifetimes. As Seane Corn says in Revolution of the Soul “Teachers and angels are everywhere…the guru I was seeking had been within me all along” Shelly often tells her students “It is an honor to be your guide, however, ultimately it is you that are the Guru - that which brings you from darkness to light.” Today, you can find her collaborating around the world and sharing the wisdom of the various lineages she feels blessed to have encountered. She will forever keep learning, growing and sharing humbling, heart centered and truth activating wellness with the world. @Shell2theworld

Teaching in RYT20 and Yin YTT

Shelly Grande


YOGĀRT COLLECTIVE's teacher training courses are registered with Yoga Alliance USA

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